Press Archive

DMT has developed an online diagnosis system that monitors the condition of machines in plants and optimises maintenance. By warning in plenty of time before damage actually occurs, unnecessary…

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DMT has recently been commissioned by GEBAG, construction company of the Duisburg authorities, to deal with various tasks associated with the renaturation of the site of an abandoned freight station.…

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New Principal Consultants at DMT in India

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Governments, local authorities and businesses are all working hard to import protective equipment, especially protective masks, and make them available to medical personnel as quickly as possible. DMT…

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The tracks and ballast in the Hoffnungsthal Tunnel, Germany, a rail tunnel of Deutsche Bahn, are currently being completely renewed. The work entails intensive dust creation and contamination of the…

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Raw materials have been, are and will continue to be the bedrock of the global economy. The origins of raw materials are becoming increasingly important as the issue of sustainability can have a major…

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A DMT crew and 9 vibro vehicles have successfully surveyed an area southeast of Munich for Stadtwerke München GmbH (SWM) using the proven slip sweep method, which delivers excellent data quality for…

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Current challenges, regulations and developments in shipping and offshore industries were once again discussed by maritime and fire safety experts at the "Fachtagung Brandschutz im Schiffbau" in…

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A company’s management is responsible for compliance with rules, regulations and laws. These parameters can be very extensive, which is why the concept of ‘operator responsibility management’ has…

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Plant engineering is a team sport too. And Paul Wurth and DMT make a top team when it comes to iron and steel manufacture, cokemaking technology and coke oven gas cleaning – the two companies have…

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