
DMT dismantles abandoned freight station in Duisburg

DMT has recently been commissioned by GEBAG, construction company of the Duisburg authorities, to deal with various tasks associated with the renaturation of the site of an abandoned freight station. The area achieved tragic fame in 2010 due to the Duisburg Love Parade disaster.

Having successfully cooperated with GEBAG on previous major projects, we are looking forward to good teamwork and, as a company with its roots in the Ruhr region, we are proud to bring many years of experience to this important development.

DMT is mainly responsible for site management and building supervision for the project, but will also be involved in identifying contaminants, basic evaluation, participation in planning and selection of subcontractors, seismic measurements and other surveys, as well as coordinating on-site health and safety.

The DMT team will pay particular attention to the abandoned freight station being dismantled according to the contract specifications and time frame, while considering the safety of all involved throughout the project.

More information on dismantling, remediation and reutilisation of industrial sites here: