Deep geothermal energy – project planning: feasibility study and risk analysis


Reference Project Feasibility study for the overdeepening of a research drilling in Erfurt


Feasibility study for the overdeepening of a research drilling in Erfurt for potential commercial utilization


Feasibility studies examine the conditions for the success of a geothermal project in advance, taking into account the benefit and risk structure.


In this case, it was demonstrated that the rock formations in the Erfurt region are suitable for deep geothermal utilization. A targeted seismic investigation of the region is recommended as a basis for further action.


In this first study on a specific deep geothermal site in Thuringia, Societal Systems Engineering (SSE) was applied for the first time as part of the feasibility study. SSE is a method that integrates stakeholder management and is also used to develop risk analyses for geothermal projects. It identifies all stakeholder parties and their conceivable reactions and influences on the possible course of the project. In this way, risks and stumbling blocks can be identified in advance and suitable communication measures can be developed.


Figures, data, facts

  • Joint project on behalf of the Thuringian Energy and Greentech Agency ThEGA
  • DMT participation via Dr. Ingo Raufuß, geotechnik heiligenstadt gmbh
  • Services with DMT participation: Project management and coordination of risk management incl. stakeholder management and application of SSE


Scheme of Societal Systems Engineering, which was used in the feasibility study.






More information or reference projects on feasibility studies? Feel free to contact us directly!




Prof. Dr. Bodo Lehmann
Manager Geo-Energy & Resources
Tel: +49 201 172-1980



Dr. Boris Dombrowski
Deputy Manager Geo-Energy & Resources
Tel: +49 201 172-2021