
DMT outlining the history of exploration

Geo-T Expo


Essen based DMT GmbH & Co. KG (DMT), an international technology service provider in the natural resources sector, will be exhibiting in a special display on exploration history, as part of the international geothermal energy fair Geo-T Expo, being held in Essen from 12 to 14 November 2013.



Latest generation seismographs: SUMMIT-System

"DMT can certainly help tell the story of exploration", explained Dr Bodo Lehmann, Head of the Exploration & Geosurvey Division at DMT. "The co-founder of modern geophysics, Ludger Mintrop, worked for the company as a researcher over a hundred years ago."
In the 1920s Mintrop, a surveyor and geophysicist from Essen, developed appliances and techniques for the exploration of natural resources using seismic waves. Up to that point, little was known about seismic waves other than that they originated from earthquakes. In collaboration with other researchers, Mintrop, working for what at that time was known as the Westfälische Berggewerkschaftskasse (WBK), generated "artificial earthquakes" using dropped weights and utilised the vibrations to explore what lay beneath.
Today, the WBK's successor, DMT, still uses this technique all over the world to search for deposits of natural resources. With modern, highly-advanced equipment and processes, they are able to obtain a 3-dimensional picture of the subsoil and assess its geological characteristics. This can be utilised, for instance, in the field of geothermal energy by detecting the areas deep under the surface that potentially offer sufficient volumes of hot water for extraction. Thus, environmentally-friendly thermal power stations can make an even larger contribution to the supply of climate-friendly energy and sustaining a cleaner environment.

At their stand at the Geo-T Expo (, DMT will be showing live demonstrations of the latest seismographs.

Contact and further information:

Dr. Bodo Lehmann
Exploration & Geosurvey Division
Phone: +49 201 172-1970
Fax: +49 201 172-1971

Download the press release DMT Geo-T Expo