
DMT commissions By-Product Plant

Cleaning of Coke Oven Gas in India


The Essen based consulting and engineering company DMT GmbH & Co. KG (DMT) together with the EPC company McNally Bharat Engineering Co. Ltd. (MBE) from Kolkata, India has designed, engineered, supplied, built and now put into operation a complete state-of-the-art by-product plant for the cleaning of coke oven gas. The plant, which is situated in Burnpur in Eastern India, belongs to IISCO Steel Plant, a company of the Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL).


By-Product Plant

By-Product Plant

The system cleans the coke oven gas collected from the coke oven battery, making it ready for further use in steelworks and for underfiring the battery. In doing so, the plant produces high-quality, saleable by-products, such as tar, ammonium sulphate and sulphur.
"Our plant is the first Claus Desulphurising System that has been put into operation at a coking plant in India", explains DMT Project Manager Björn Otten. "Up to 46,000 cubic metres of coke oven gas can be cleaned per hour in the plant. This means that at full load the gas cleaning process prevents the emission of approximately 7 tonnes of sulphur dioxide and 21 tonnes of nitrogen oxide per day into the air when the stripped coke oven gas is reused as fuel."

The project is part of a steelworks extension program at IISCO, in which a completely new steel mill is being built alongside the old one to increase capacity.

Contact and further information:

Björn Otten
Cokemaking Technology Division
Phone: +49 201 172-1065
Fax: +49 201 172-1241

Download the press release Burnpur