
AI supports the monitoring of amusement park rides

Essen, 15.05.2024 - DMT GmbH & Co. KG, a TÜV NORD GROUP company, is launching the world's first AI-supported real-time monitoring system for amusement rides just in time for the new amusement park season. DMT RideGuard offers additional safety as well as high efficiency through optimised maintenance processes. The system is already in operation at Movie Park Germany.

As the world's first fully automated real-time monitoring system, DMT RideGuard complements the standards for monitoring amusement park rides. The system enables seamless monitoring of vibrations, shocks and movements for the very first time,. This provides additional safety and makes maintenance more efficient. Using state-of-the-art IoT sensor technology and AI algorithms, the system continuously records all relevant data and streams it to a cloud-based application in real time. As a result, park operators receive a comprehensive status overview of their attractions and are provided with support in identifying and rectify potential risks at an early stage.

‘Thanks to DMT RideGuard, amusement park operators can now monitor their attractions in real time for the very first time,’ says Konrad Widera, Product Manager DMT RideGuard. ‘Our system enables targeted planning of maintenance intervals and reduces possible downtimes, resulting in an increased availability of attractions. The existing high safety standards are not only fulfilled, but even improved. For visitors, this can create additional trust. ’

The Movie Park Germany film and leisure park in Bottrop-Kirchhellen is already successfully using DMT RideGuard. After a test phase on two rides from August 2023, the operator has decided in favour of the system and intends to continue using DMT RideGuard in the future.

‘DMT RideGuard enables constant monitoring of our attractions in a way that has never been possible before. This feature of non-stop monitoring is a great advantage. The system reports automatically and informs us of any deviations. This is a great support for us in our day-to-day operations,’ explains Carsten Prang, Technical Manager at Movie Park Germany.

The safety of amusement park visitors already has top priority. Therefore, strict controls are conducted by the responsible inspection bodies. Visual inspections on a daily basis and regular check and maintenance procedures involving comprehensive checklists by the operators ensure that the high safety standards are met.  These inspections can now be further enhanced with the DMT RideGuard. DMT RideGuard monitors constantly, directly and reliably. The system automatically reports abnormalities and anomalies using a combination of  alarm and notification functions via e-mail or SMS, according on the operator's requirements.

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Knut Hirsch
Head of Communications / DMT GROUP

E-Mail: knut.hirsch(at)dmt-group.LÖ
Phone.: +49 201 172 1315