Press Archive

Critical infrastructures are currently experiencing stress tests the likes of which have never been seen before – a global stress test which is showing the authorities, businesses and countries where…

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Opened Miprowa® production reactor

Innovative reactor technology combined with plant design and construction from a single source.

"Thanks to the cooperation between reactor manufacturer Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik, process specialist…

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DMT GROUP's years of experience in mining and knowledge of automation and process engineering convinced the German Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung…

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Transparente Informationspolitik, internationales Networking und der Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit: Mit diesen Strategien setzt sich der Verband Bergbau, Geologie und Umwelt e.V. (VBGU) seit dem Jahr 1990…

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DMT GROUP is pleased to be key partner in the ambitous project led by one of the leading mining schools - Montanuniversität Leoben - and accompanied by 18 partners - from lab to field.

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Today Andreas Hucke, Nadine Kohl, Lukas Förster and Knut Ansgar Hirsch were joined by more than 70 representatives from along the entire raw materials value chain to explore the topic of certification…

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DMT is appointed to conduct a feasibilitystudy for a low calorie coalmine, which the client plans to use for downstream energy industries such as coal gasification and power plants.

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Today was the official handing over ceremony of the newly constructed Ceneri Base Tunnel in Ticino to operator SBB CFF FFS. The 15km-long Swiss rail tunnel, which is due to be fully operational by…

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Since the beginning of 2020, a group of ENCOS engineers have been focusing all their energies on finding just the right blend for a range of different oil products at a refinery in the north of…

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The topics of climate change, environmental protection and sustainability are on everybody’s lips. After all, these are investments in the future – often in the future of a company, a municipality or…

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