Gyroscope measuring system GYROMAT: High-precision surveys for cost-effective planning reliability


Reduce costs by avoiding measurement errors with the world's only gyroscopic sensor for high-precision orientation and control. Our GYROMAT series gyroscope sensors provide the highest accuracy in high-precision measurements, offering a reliable solution when other measurement methods are no longer effective. This is done quickly, easily, and reliably, even in geographically and topographically challenging terrain and under difficult conditions.

Unrivaled directional accuracy

Our gyroscope fully automatically determines the direction to north or the azimuth with unrivaled accuracy worldwide, ensuring the exact direction of your construction project. Potential error sources in the measurements are compensated for. You avoid subsequent direction corrections and instead reach the end point of your surveying project accurately and reliably.

With wireless remote control and data transfer, our gyroscope sensors provide additional safety. They can also be operated conventionally in manual mode. The challenges of construction and surveying projects in tunnels, shipbuilding, or other projects that require the highest level of directional accuracy are solved quickly and efficiently with the use of our gyroscope sensors. High resolution data allows easy analysis, calculation and evaluation of the data and supports the monitoring of the gyroscopic or geodetic survey.

Advanced capabilities: GYROMAT 6000 introduces new features

A new feature of the GYROMAT 6000 compared to its predecessor, the GYROMAT 5000, is the ability to separate the gyro module from the total station. The two modules can be combined in the field. This new feature is particularly useful for surveying areas that are difficult to access, such as microtunnels. If required, the total station can also be used for conventional surveying without the gyro module, resulting in additional savings.

This ensures that your project is completed on time and within budget. The GYROMAT sensors can be purchased individually from us - or can be chartered with a DMT team of experts as a service for your construction project. If you decide to purchase a GYROMAT, you will also receive two days of free training on the instrument.

Introducing GYROMAT 6000: The perfect tool for gyroscopic surveying

Discover our GYROMAT 6000, the most accurate surveying gyroscope in the world. By compensating for potential sources of error like refraction, error propagation or even plumb line errors when determining direction from a shaft, it ensures unparalleled precision. The piezo drive around the horizontal angle with high-resolution angle encoder captures data with exceptional precision. The advanced power concept, with reliable energy buffer and replaceable battery, enhances the speed and safety of the system while making it easier to maintain. The ergonomic housing is perfectly suited for geodetic and other diverse surveys in difficult terrains.

Theodolites and total stations can be customized. This allows universal use in geodesy or industrial surveying. Examples of such applications are underground direction finding, tunnel surveying or metrological applications for north finding.

Presenting the next generation of world-class high-precision gyroscope sensors

The GYROMAT 6000 is the successor to the GYROMAT 5000 and continues its tradition of precision by deliviring measurement results with an accuracy of 0.8/1000th of a gon. This corresponds to an arc deviation of approximately 1.2 cm at a distance of one kilometre. The measurement time for a directional measurement is approximately 6-9 minutes.

Now available: Two versions of GYROMAT 6000

The new and improved GYROMAT 6000 is available in two versions:

  • A fixed total station version with the same high accuracy as its predecessor.
  • As a version with total station detachable from gyro module, making it easier to transport or work in confined spaces such as ship hatches or microtunnels. The total station can also be used for conventional surveying. With an accuracy of 1.5/1000th of a gon, the detachable version falls just slightly below that of the fixed version, yet still outperforms other comparable systems.

Benefits provided by our gyro sensor:

  • Reliable north-seeking gyroscope
  • Compensation for error sources and measurement deviations such as refraction, error propagation or plumb line errors when measuring direction from a shaft
  • Application ensures design reliability and cost efficiency
  • 2 versions available with a detachable or fixed total station
  • Built-in laser collimation control (LCC) for alignment of detachable total stations and general stability checks
  • Remote control with PC, tablet, and notebook (wireless and USB)


Additional advantages and unique features:

  • Fully automated measurement sequence
  • Pre-orientation-free measuring method
  • Menu-driven measurement sequence
  • Advanced monitoring functions
  • Gyroscopic measuring unit with reliable intermediate energy storage
  • Certified according to DIN 18723 part 7 (1990)


Geodetic and other successful applications of the GYROMAT are reported in the articles provided below.


Gyroscope with maximum precision

(Story and interviews)

Developed for extreme conditions underground, used in extreme tunnel construction: DMT’s gyromat has already set the direction for around 4,000 projects. Other industries are now discovering the world’s most accurate surveying gyroscope.

If you ask Dr. Jörg Niese how exactly the gyromat measures, he will generally answer by citing an example: “If you were to cut a cake into 400 pieces and then cut one of these little pieces of cake into 1,000 even smaller pieces, then you would have an idea of the accuracy involved.” In technical jargon, this means that the gyromat measures with a directional measurement accuracy of 0.8/1,000 Gon, which corresponds to an arc deviation of about 1.2 centimetres over a distance of one kilometre. Its accuracy makes the current model, known as GYROMAT 5000, the gold standard of survey gyroscopes.

This ergonomic and compact device has a gyroscope at its heart which is suspended from a sensitive torsion strap and observed by a very accurate electro-optical sensor. Gravity and the Earth’s rotation ensure that the axis of rotation of the gyroscope wants to align parallel to the Earth’s axis, which points to the North Pole. Using the gyromat and another device, a tachymeter, it is possible to determine the exact angle between a measured line and geographical north. “And the beauty of it is that I can do it anywhere: in a tunnel, a ship’s hull or an industrial hall,” explains Niese, who, as a product manager at DMT, is in charge of the gyromat.

The gyromat is used where no GPS signal can reach and where the highest directional accuracy is required, because any deviation can lead to costs to the tune of millions of euros. This is the case with the construction of kilometre-long tunnels and of large ships, and increasingly in the aerospace industry and other industrial sectors. “In longer tunnel projects, two or more huge tunnel boring machines are often used,” says Niese. They start drilling at different points and, of course, have to meet at the end with the smallest possible deviation. As a service provider, DMT has previously provided metrological support for the Eurotunnel under the English Channel and the longest road tunnel in the Alps (the Gotthardt Tunnel). “These were flagship projects which earned us a good reputation worldwide,” says Volker Schultheiß, project manager of the surveying team at DMT. So it is not surprising that the company is also working on the Brenner Base Tunnel, which, after completion, will be the longest railway tunnel in the world at a length of 64 kilometres (including all access tunnels).

DMT’s expertise and the surveying gyroscope were also used for the underground tunnels to the World Cup stadiums in Qatar, where Volker Schultheiß and his team were responsible for simultaneously managing 16 tunnel boring machines. During their assignments, the surveyors sometimes encounter extreme conditions, including temperatures of up to 45 degrees in a tunnel, for example. “The humidity is really extreme, and it sometimes knocks you out,” says Schultheiß, who travels a lot in the Middle East. Smaller diameters of three metres in power line tunnels in Berlin or supply tunnels for the EXPO in Dubai with a diameter of over ten metres are just as much a part of the repertoire as the large road and railway tunnels with diameters of around 15 metres.

The gyromat is also the directional measure of all things in the construction of underground railways in Scandinavian cities such as Gothenburg and Stockholm, where the tunnels are blasted through hard rock. “We act as a kind of insurance provider for our customers,” says Schultheiß. In many cases, the gyromat measurements confirm the customer’s data, thereby offering them certainty. But Volker Schultheiß is also familiar with other cases: “With the gyromat we once discovered that a tunnel had deviated several metres off its axis.” Thanks to DMT, the customer was able to correct this.

“The accuracy of the gyromat is its unique selling point,” says Jens Schweitzer, Director of Machine Diagnostics & Geomeasuring Systems at DMT. “It’s a very durable high-end system that we’re constantly developing.” The gyromat is also available to buy and already worldwide in use. With each new version, the device has become more precise, faster and safer in recent years.

In the meantime, other industries have discovered this phenomenal accuracy for themselves. “In shipbuilding, you need measurements to align the machine parts,” reports Niese, who, as a product manager, trains and supervises customers in the operation of the device. Many large shipyards use the gyromat to calibrate their own calibration system. The navigation equipment of the ships they build is calibrated on turntables. DMT’s surveying gyroscope can be used to determine exactly when the table is aligned with geographical north. And aerospace technology companies are also using the gyromat as a reference standard to calibrate their own gyrocompass systems, which are used in aeroplanes, helicopters and satellites, for example. Thus it is that the gyromat, developed in 1978 for underground use, continues to offer orientation on land, at sea and in the air to customers all over the world in 2023.


Operating GYROMAT 6000

The surveyors in the longest tunnel of the world - AlpTransit Gotthard: Measurement Uncertainty of Gyro-measurements in the Construction Works of the Gotthard Base Tunnel (p. 50-57)

"...With the GYROMAT of the Westfälische Berggewerkschaftskasse (WBK, today DMT, Essen, Germany) at the end of the 1970s [Eichholz, K. and Schäfler, 1978] the first automated high precision gyro theodolite was presented and commercially available on the civilian market. This instrument can be considered as a reference in tunnel projects and was therefore utilized as well by different institutions in the Gotthard Base Tunnel..."




Light at the end of the tunnel - Reporter, the global magazine of Leica Geosystems, Issue 71


"DMT developed one of the first high-precision surveying gyroscopes for the German coal mining industry. The Gyromat was subsequently further developed for a variety of tasks...since then, DMT experts have successfully carried out out more than 3,500 gyroscope campaigns across the globe using high-accuracy Gyromats and Leica Geosystems total stations..."

Questions and answers about GYROMAT

How does the gyroscope / gyro measuring system work?


The measuring system of a gyroscope consists of a rotating mass whose axis of rotation moves freely and is suspended from a torsion tape in such a way that the mass is aligned with gravity. As the earth rotates, the rotating mass is slowly but continuously pushed out of the direction of gravity. As the mass is freely suspended, it constantly moves in the direction of gravity. This results in a relative rotational movement of the axes of rotation of the rotating mass and the earth with corresponding physical interaction, so that the freely moving gyroscope axis is turning in the direction of the earth's axis of rotation, the geodetic true north. Only when both axes are parallel do forces no longer act on the axis of the rotating mass and the direction of the gyroscope axis points to true north. In practice, this is referred to as a tape-suspended surveying gyro. (


What can be measured with a surveying gyroscope?


A gyroscope that is operated on the earth indicates the geodetic north direction. It is only influenced by the earth's rotation and gravity. A gyroscope measures the north direction independently of the earth's magnetic field. A surveying gyro can be used to determine the orientation of any measuring line in relation to geodetic true north. 


Where are gyroscopes used? (Reference GYROMAT)


Gyroscopes can be used wherever the north direction is sought or where existing directions are to be transferred to other locations, the so-called parallel shift. The GYROMAT is used in particular in areas where GPS surveying is not possible, e.g. due to shadowing. These are, for example, directional measurements in tunnelling or reference line installations on different decks in shipbuilding. For example, the exact directional measurements in the Eurotunnel or the Gotthard base tunnel were successfully carried out with the GYROMAT.


What is the difference between Gyromat 6000 and Gyromat 5000?


The GYROMAT 5000 is already the world's most accurate surveying gyroscope. This world's highest accuracy has also been transferred to the GYROMAT 6000. A version of the GYROMAT 6000 is available in which the total station can be separated from the gyroscope model. This offers a transport advantage, especially in confined spaces or passages, such as micro-tunnels or ship hatches, the GYROMAT 6000 can be transported and used in contrast to the non-separable GYROMAT 5000.

The operation menu of the GYROMAT 6000 has been greatly revised and simplified. In contrast to the GYROMAT 5000, the large graphical display provides a clear overview of system and measurement information.

The GYROMAT 6000 is also equipped with a collimation laser, which allows the system to be checked directly on site.


Can Gyromat be used with different total stations / theodolites?


Yes, both the GYROMAT 5000 and the GYROMAT 6000 can be combined with high-precision total stations or theodolites from various manufacturers such as Leica, Hexagon, Topcon or Sokkia.


Please feel free to contact our specialists.


